Are Blood Clots In Your Period Normal?If you experience clots with your period, let me start off by saying that you are not the only one! I see so many women in clinic that...
What You Need To Know About Menstrual CupsIllustration by Jim Cooke When I first heard about menstrual cups (or moon cups as I like to call them) a few years ago, I thought they...
Women's Health Week - Part 3: Eat Right For Your FertilityToday is Day 3 of Women’s Health Week! Today we are going to dive into a topic that often leaves a lot of people confused - FOOD FOR...
Women's Health Week - Part 2: Why You Need To Get Real About StressStress. We hear about it all the time. We read the articles on all the dis-ease it’s linked to and that we need to be meditating and...
5 Ways To Conquer Cold This WinterIf you live in the southern hemisphere, you’re in the middle of winter right now. If you live in Melbourne, winter has now well and truly...
How Eating Breakfast Helps Make Happy HormonesIf your mornings look like this: alarm goes off, get ready for work, chug down a coffee and fly out the door and your first bite of food...
The Magic of New BeginningsToday is a New Moon. A start of a new lunar cycle, and a new beginning. In my chart this New Moon correlates to my career and how I am...