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What Books I Read in 2017

This book list is coming to you quite late and very likely 2017 seems like a distant memory as we are now well into 2018. However I’m a sucker for a book list as I love having a little spy on what other people are reading (kind of like having a peak into someone’s brain) and always love a good book recommendation. I quite literally buy every book someone tells me I have to read.

If it’s not clear from the titles on this book list, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner and my favourite area of interest is women’s health and fertility, and as such, I read a lot on the subject (although the pile that I haven’t read that is glaring at me from my bookshelf is bigger – that’s a job for this year!).

I read a lot of non-fiction health books. Last year I went through a phase of reading not much else and definitely no fiction. Reading fiction felt like a waste of time because I wasn’t learning anything I could put into practise and use in clinic. However towards the end of 2017 I read the gripping thriller Force of Nature by Jane Harper and THAT made me fall in love with fiction again. I sped through Force of Nature and her first book The Dry in a couple of days. And now I cant get enough! So if you have any recommendations for similar books with thrilling crime and mystery, send them my way!

I read my health books a lot slower then other books, I go over them again and again furiously highlighting and making sure the information is truly sinking in.

One of my goals for 2018 is to read a lot more, expand my knowledge and to have a nice mix of fiction and non-fiction.

The collection below contains books that would be perfect for any woman that is trying to understand her body on a deeper level incorporating both eastern and western medicine. There is information perfect for you if you are wanting to regulate hormones, trying to conceive or perhaps already pregnant. Or if you just want a fun read :)

I have linked each book title for you to click on if you want to know more about a particular book.

If you have any books you love that you would like to share please leave in the comment section below!

Books I Read in 2017...

Happy reading!

Lauren xx


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